Obviously even safe woods can be fatal if the bird gets jabbed by a splinter. This table refers to the safety of the various types of wood with respect to perches and gnawing. It was pulled together from several sources, but is primarily a reformatted, alphabatized and more readable version of the site at http://www.geocities.com/tooland/woods.htm.

That site also lists safe and unsafe household plants.

The color code used is:
Color Code
Unsafe or Poisonous

Woods Note
Acacia, Almond, Apple,   
Alder -  The wood appears to be safe, but I have not been able to confirm this. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Apricot Gillian Willis on his website says "Do not use apricot, cherry, peach, prune, plum or nectarine. These trees all belong to the Prunus species. They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.
 Arbutus, Ash, Aspen,  
Bamboo, Beech, Birch  
Bois d'arc  The Bois d'arc (Horse Apple) is a member of the Mulberry family and is a safe wood but I had to write a lot of bird folks. lindamiddleton_99@yahoo.com (Linda Middleton) 
Box Elder Wood: UNSAFE  
Cedar Occasionally appears on safe lists. If Cedar is to be used, Red cedar should be avoided for the same reasons as redwood. Yellow and Sitka Cedar may be safe though. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson).  Clyde Camp notes that his Macaws have chewed up cedar lumber for 10 years with no ill effects but that he's switched to poplar just to be on the safe side.
Cherry This one is really controversial. there are confirmed cases of dogs and of horses having fatal reactions to eating cherry wood. However I have been unable to find any confirmed report of bird fatalities. Regardless the sap is what contains the toxic elements (see Gillians Help pages) and that is contained primarily in the Cambium, a layer of material just below the bark. If cherry is to be used it should be dry, debarked and any traces of sap removed. Under no circumstances should fresh cherry, the foliage or bark be given to birds. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Chinese Popcorn/Chinese Tallow: UNSAFE  
Chinese Magnolia -  The wood, foliage and flowers all appear to be safe, but I have been unable to confirm this. According to CSUF biologist and agronomists they could see no reason to consider it dangerous (it is not a known toxic plant) but know of no reason to consider it completely safe either. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Chinese Snake Tree UNSAFE One plant that deserves mention as it occasionally appears in gardens as an exotic ornamental is the Chinese Snake Tree. This is a VERY TOXIC plant and even contact with the sap (through the skin) can present the risk of fatality to small animals and children. It is sometimes called the Lacquer plant because it was the source of lacquer. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Citrus  All types - Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Lime, etc.
Cork Oak (wood only - avoid foliage and acorns) The bark of cork oak is safe for consumption even by humans whose tolerance for tannin is much lower than most bird species.  Cork Oak is a safe wood to leave the bark on. Cork oak has very low levels of tannin (far lower then other oaks) and the bark is just what the name says 'Cork" Cork Oak is originally from southern Europe and is the source of all natural cork. The bark is very thick and well, cork like. It can be found wherever there are old wine growing areas as it was grown to provide corks for the bottles. It is also found scattered around the southeastern US and California. Because of it's very low tannin content it is safe for use in food storage (the cork in the wine bottle, oil bottles, etc.) There is a similar species found native to North America, the Prairie Oak a variety of live oak is found throughout the great plains and east to Ohio. It has a very thick cork like bark, however I do not know what the safety factor for this species would be. Information on the composition of woods and related materials can be found in a number of publications, I don't remember the names off hand, but any university that has a good botany or agronomy department, or your university agricultural extension service should be able to direct you to the appropiate references. When I was researching the safe woods for our birds the Calif State University Fresno Agricultural Dept was more than helpful, completely willing to answer any questions I had and to help me find the references. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Cottonwood, Crabapple,  
Crepe Myrtle: UNSAFE Clyde Camp notes that his birds often chew up the stems, leaves and flowers of this plant and after 5 years it hasn't hurt them.  But still, it's listed as unsafe so don't let yours. 
Eucalyptus, There is some disagreement over whether cherry, oak and eucalyptus are toxic. However the wood should be safe but avoid the leaves and seeds and in the case of oak and cherry the bark as well. (Safety on Cherry is questionable)
Fig Species, Fir, Fruitless Mulbery,  
Ginkgo -  While the female Ginkgo may have an unpleasant smell the wood, bark and foliage all appear to be safe. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Grape Vines, Grape Palm, Guava,  
Hackberry, Hawthorn, Hazelnut  
Hemlock: UNSAFE  The wood that is sold in lumber yards (sometimes called Hem Fir) is safe but the foliage is toxic. No other species of hemlock should be considered safe. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson).  
Hibiscus, Hickory  
Horse Apple  The Horse Apple (Boise d'arc) is a member of the Mulberry family and is a safe wood but I had to write a lot of bird folks. lindamiddleton_99@yahoo.com (Linda Middleton) 
Laurel UNSAFE Appears on most toxic lists. Most Laurel species are toxic but the Medeteriianian Laurel is safe. Distinguishing the species can be difficult though and unless the species is known absolutely it should be avoided. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Lilac, Liquidamber,  
London Tree  Member of the sycamore family, and is currently under research.
Madrona, Magnolia, Manzanita, Maple, Mediterranean Laurel, Mesquite (remove thorns), Mimosa, Mulberry,  
Nectarine Gillian Willis on his website says "Do not use apricot, cherry, peach, prune, plum or nectarine. These trees all belong to the Prunus species. They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.
Norfolk Island Pine, Nut (except Chestnut & Oak),  
Oak (wood only, no bark or leaves) There is some disagreement over whether cherry, oak and eucalyptus are toxic. However the wood should be safe but avoid the leaves and seeds and in the case of oak and cherry the bark as well. (Safety on Cherry is questionable).  Oak appears on a number of toxic lists, primarily because of the tannin in the leaves and acorns. In the writer’s opinion this is totally unjustified, the wood should be perfectly fine as it is not generally eaten and contains little tannin in most species.
Palm, Papaya,  
Peach Gillian Willis on his website says "Do not use apricot, cherry, peach, prune, plum or nectarine. These trees all belong to the Prunus species. They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.
Pear, Pecan, Pine  
Pitch Pine UNSAFE  Pitch Pine is the source material for turpentine and has VERY high levels of phenols. Contact with the wood can cause rashes and the fumes from burning it have been known to cause lung and eye disorders. faw@ix.netcom.com (Frederick Wilson)
Plum Gillian Willis on his website says "Do not use apricot, cherry, peach, prune, plum or nectarine. These trees all belong to the Prunus species. They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.
Prune Gillian Willis on his website says "Do not use apricot, cherry, peach, prune, plum or nectarine. These trees all belong to the Prunus species. They contain cyanogenic glycosides which release cyanide if ingested.
Redwood UNSAFE Do not give the birds redwood. The oils the wood contains are toxic. But the biggest problem is if they get a splinter, redwood tends to block the immune response and they become infected quite easily.   Redwood has long been associated with rashes and the dust with lung and eye disorders. It contains high levels of volatile oils that are known toxins. Further exposure is believed to suppress the immune system.
Ribbonwood, Rose,  
Sequoia (redwood) UNSAFE Do not give the birds redwood. The oils the wood contains are toxic. But the biggest problem is if they get a splinter, redwood tends to block the immune response and they become infected quite easily.   Redwood has long been associated with rashes and the dust with lung and eye disorders. It contains high levels of volatile oils that are known toxins. Further exposure is believed to suppress the immune system.
Sumac: UNSAFE   
Sweet Gum, Sycamore,  
Thurlow , Tree fern,  
Umbrella tree,  
Vine Maple,  
Walnut, Willow (Goat, Pussy & Weeping)  

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