Standards Professional Job Description Template

Obviously, this template is intended to be an example.. The specific details should be negotiated (especially the percentages) between the employee and his management.  It is vital that the content be mutually agreed to.

JOB TITLE: Director of Standards, Director of Standards Implementation, Director of Information Technology Standards, Director of Strategic Standards Managment, etc.
This is a negotiated title and set of responsibilities.  The proper title will often enable opportunities externally as well as internally that might not otherwise be available.  It should be carefully thought out and evaluated with your immediate supervisor.

REPORTS TO: VP Marketing, VP Research and Development, VP Licensing/Intellectual Property
It is important to note that this is an end goal, but if your management is not willing to at least consider having you report at this level, then you have much additional work to do internally.  The first step might be to move into a staff position within one of the Corporate Offices.  Performing the work below is much more difficult when operating out of a profit and  loss center where near-term returns on investment are expected.  Remember that your company is in this for the long haul.


  1. Actively participate in the meetings and activities of standards developing organizations relevant to the company’s interests in order to educate that community on the capabilities of the company, to give the company credibility and impact, and to acquire intelligence of use to the company’s business activities. Percent of time spent on this function: 35%

  3. Actively participate in the relevant industry standards management and technical subcommittees in order to represent and promote the company’s positions and to develop appropriate business contacts. Percent of time spent on this function: 45%

  5. Create and/or manage the process needed to effectively support the level of standards activity needed by the company and to eventually embody those processes as a formal, high-quality standards office. Percent of time spent on this function: 10%

  7. Work with legal and other offices to develop appropriate intellectual property rights policies with respect to employee standards participation. in international trade. Percent of time spent on this function: 10%